
The cows are coming, and they want your garbage!

We continued our community survey in part of Govenpuri, Kalkaji in cluding Buhmin camp today interviewing both community members and local NGO staff. Here is the inside gate of one of the NGO run schools/vocational schools/disabled child classes. This school looked amazing - certainly better looking (on the inside) than my elementary school.
The whole school is covered in beautiful murals and paintings and the architectural design has the feel of an open village where all the class rooms have big glass windows and the hallways feel open and spacious.
In the nearby community...these two guys aren't old enough to school but they give their mother and grandmother good company at home during the day.
NOTE: it seems to be an Indian tradition that when children learn to walk they get squeeky shoes so you can always tell when little kids running around because they go: "squeek, squeek,squeek,squeek,..."
This young man followed us around for a while and seemed to be of a curious but melencholy disposition.
I don't think I should include a cow eating trash in every day's blog...but I could.


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