Dear blog-readers,
I apologize for the hiatus in blogging, but I have been battling indian stomach demons, which can be very tiring. I have learned this lesson tough:
when things aint' right, take the ciprofloxacin
I had been worried about using my only regimen of perscription anti-bacterial drugs, but that was silly, because as we learned at a Bombay pharmacy, you can get all sort of drugs in India (including more malaria medicine) without a prescription for about one tenth the US cost.
So what do I have to show from my blogging break....
*discovered a hidden treasure: a 2 min walk from my bed room there is a woman who hangs out in a room on campus who will do one hour, full-body massagegs for $7.5...I usually try not to compare directly to US prices, but it would be a crime not to get a couple of these
*successfully watched the new Harry Potter movie (in English!) at an Indian cinema house
* slept in
* went to Old Delhi: saw Red Fort (two pictures below)
Red fort was okay, but to be honest, we have seen much better forts on our trip already. They had some nice carvings though...carving is always nice. ...But you know what is not nice? - hidden barbed wire. I tripped over barbed wire and cut my leg (thank you tetnis shot) and had to feel sorry for myself for at least 5 min before the cut felt better.
*we decided to kick Monday off with a bunch of long, meandering team meetings...
*then we headed out to a new slum area to speak with several NGOs working there, but first we dicided to sit in the worse traffic jam I have seen so far in Delhi for about an hour
* we took pictures of each other in the autorickshaws, while our driver was off visiting other autorickshaw driver friends
YWCA has a branch office in Govenpuri, Kalkaji (New Delhi). Here we are coming out of the one-story pink building where we were observing vocational training programs and interviewing the director of the center. Behind the YWCA are a number of apartment building flats - this neighborhood, is much better off than other nearby slum communities where the garbage is OUT OF CONTROL! and the usual fish market leaves a pretty horrible stench even when it is not active.
All in all, a few pretty successful days...oh, and I would like to announce that canned tuna fish wins this week's food award, for being the tastiest food that doesn't make me sick and is not primarily oil or sugar.
1 comment:
According to me your web log is amazing and wonderful.
in fact you working a lot all the picture and defination visible and clear for every body to express thier ideas.
Finally I appreciate that I have a friend ( Hard Worker Cathrine ).
At least wish all the best and be success in your life.
Your Afghan Friend,
Zarin Sultani
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