
French toast never tasted so good!

Julie, Yamilee, and Jessica in Lodi Garden in Delhi.
Catherine exploring the outside wall of Sikander Lodi's tomb (which indudes a walled in garden and a mosoleum in the middle) in Lodi Garden. It is amusing to note that Lodi Garden appears to be an make-out spot for Indian couples. The four of us were in complete shock finding a couple under every tree and large bush after observing almost no public displays of affection between men and women in the month we have been here.
A lovely mosoleum that is quite distinguished despite the punishments of time. Remnants of light and dark blue tile still decorate the outside .
A view from Safdarjang's tomb (similar layout to the Taj Mahal) also in Delhi, near Lodi Garden.
When I consulted Lonely Planet guidebook for nearby restaurants guess what we found! an All-American Diner - complete with red pleather seats, Heinz ketchup, waffles, smoothies....oh...it was so good. I would never have guessed I would feel nastalgic about syrup :)


Francisco Javier León said...

Hello there, just to say it is quite an interesting blog. I was browsing the MIT site and found this blog address.
Greetings from Chile

Unknown said...

Still looking healthy! Glad to hear you got the laptop fixed. That must have been very upsetting.
Not much news from the lab. Looking forward to 4th of July.
See you later,
John M

WARSHIP07 said...

very buatiful !!!!

Anjuli said...

I think I was about your age when I was in Delhi...it is interesting to see the Lodhi Garden still intact- it was my oasis while I was there!